Get involved

While we walk mostly for personal reasons (and fun!), we will be supporting one of our local non-profit organizations, Community Keepers. Our pledge is to donate $1 for every mile we walk while on the Appalachian trail. If you would like to join us in supporting them, please let us know so that we can keep you up to date with our progress, but also mostly so that you can encourage us and that our Zero days (no walking) or Nero (near Zero days) will be kept to a minimum - we’d love to walk a thousand miles from Springer Mountain to the half way point at Harpers Ferry.


Even the biggest challenges seem smaller 
when we take a step closer, roll up our
 sleeves and take action. By investing in the social and emotional
 well-being of learners, Community
 Keepers create supportive school
 communities where learning and
 development can prosper. We establish ourselves at schools, 
where we deliver professional
 services to learners, educators 
and parents or guardians. We build long-term relationships 
and help individuals, their families and communities, STEP UP.”